Magnus Hagander a écrit :
> I have done this in Delphi using it's built in UTF8 encoding and
> decoding routines. You can get a free copy of Delphi
Turbo Explorer
> which includes components for MS SQL server and ODBC, so it
would be
> pretty straight forward to get this working.
> The actual method in Delphi is system.UTF8Encode(widestring). This
> will encode unicode to UTF8 which is compatible with a
Postgresql UTF8 database.
Ah, that's useful to know. Windows just doesn't have the same
quantity of tools installed as a *nix platform.
If your file is small enough, you can just open it up in Notepad and
re-save it as UTF8. It might play funny with the BOMs though
There is also, IIRC, an iconv binary available for Windows that should
be able to do such a conversion. Can't rememebr where thuogh :-)
The file is way too big for notepad. It is even too big for
I do have the GnuWin32 version of iconv (*great* software
collection, BTW), but still no go...
I tried iconv -f "CP1252" -t "UTF-8"
detailrecherche_ansi.csv >detailrecherche_cp1252utf8.csv
and iconv -f "LATIN-9" -t "UTF-8" detailrecherche_ansi.csv
Both don't want to load as UTF8 (invalid byte sequence x00).
I am desperate...