If you're not running a TCP/IP listening instance of the database and only
out of a UNIX Domain Socket, something like the following WILL work:
pg_dump -p yourPortNumber(probably 5432, if you haven't changed the
default) -U yourUserName(postgres, or other...) dbName > dbname.dmp
As an example - I do run my instance on a different port:
pg_dump -p 63318 -U postgres productionDB > productionDB.dmp
This will in fact use the UNIX Domain Socket and will work.
What is the command string you're using? Do you know what port you're
running on? And a valid user? Does the user require a Password for the
db it's trying to dump from?
On Tue, 21 Nov 2006, garry saddington wrote:
On Tue, 2006-11-21 at 17:48 +0000, Richard Huxton wrote:
Richard Huxton wrote:
garry saddington wrote:
I have a server which has a socket of /var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432.
This is set in the .conf file. However, when I try to run a pg_dump it
complains about the server not running on /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432. Can anyone
explain this behaviour because if I try the -p option to pg_dump or set
the PGPORT env variable it still gives the same report?
Could you have two installations of PG - one from source, one packaged?
Oh, and the -p is useful for setting the port, not the directory for
unix-domain sockets. I think you want to have something like:
pg_dump -h /var/run/postgresql
See the manuals for details.
Thank you, have read the manuals and the -h section says host initially
but if you read on it tells about a leading / - that's why I missed it
first time round -skim reading!.
Perhaps you may be able to me to explain this:
I have a Zope application which speaks to postgres via psycopg. I have
packaged all components together so that the application can be
installed like 'single click' or thereabouts and I have tested it on
several Linux distributions. Usually there are no problems but
occasionally the psycopg connection will default to a different unix
domain socket to the one that is configured in the .conf file. Nothing
changes apart from the OS. Is there a way to make sure that on
installation the same socket is used irrespective of OS?
Kind Regards
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend
Louis Gonzales