When I configure statement_timeout globally, I typically override it
for superusers and other accounts used by dbas. Just issue:
ALTER USER postgres SET statement_timeout = 0;
Repeat for other superusers (slony, etc). Then the policy won't apply
to them.
On Nov 16, 2006, at 6:46 AM, Marcin Mańk wrote:
I have an unconfirmed feeling that autovac does not like system-wide
statement_timeout. I.e. when I in some panic move set system-wide
statement_timeout to 90 seconds, autovac stopped working (I do not
know for
100% if there is a dependency).
Ups... Now I checked that pg_dump has the same issue. and vacuumdb.
This is
all on 8.1.4 .
Yeah, system-wide statement_timeout is not much of a brilliant idea :(
Marcin Mańk
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