Alternative options for what they're worth - you'd have to explain to
see how efficient they are
select id, name from (
select lower(name) as sortkey, id, name from table where name != 'Other'
select 'zzzzz' as sortkey, id, name from table where name = 'Other'
) as t
order by sortkey
select id, name from (
select case when name='Other' then 'zzzzz' else lower(name) end as
sortkey, id, name from table
) as t
order by sortkey
Notice that the sort will be case insensitive in these examples which
may be something that you also want.
George Pavlov wrote:
For larger tables, you may have to resort to a
select * from foo where name != 'Other' order by name
select * from foo where name = 'Other'
Alas, this suggestion is wrong on two counts: (a) UNION expects a single
ORDER BY that applies to the whole recordset and which has to come at
the end; (b) UNION re-sorts anyway (it needs to eliminate the dupes) --
maybe you are thinking UNION ALL? So, to follow your advice he may want
a query like this, although it seems quite silly and there still isn't
an ironclad guarantee re. the final result sorting:
select * from
(select * from foo where name != 'Other' order by name) x
union all
select * from foo where name = 'Other'
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not