And, when coming up with the use cases you should be working with the
people who will actually be using the application. Wrt barcode
scanners, they typically just translate the barcode into a number. So,
you'll need a barcode printer to print barcodes for your ids to put on
the books.
Ben wrote:
It depends how you plan to use it?
Maybe a helpful excercise for you to go through is to come up with
some use cases and see if you are storing all the data you'll need in
a way that makes it easy for you to use.
On Tue, 14 Nov 2006, Desmond Coughlan wrote:
X-No-Archive: true
Thanks for all the help: we have our postgreSQL server on a
'backend' machine, and the client on a webserver.
The application I want to develop is a school library, and as this
is new to me, I come looking for ideas. Here's what I've done: on
the backend, two users (in addition to 'pgsql'): dba and 'cdi' (the
name of the library, as in the _premises_ where the library is
located). I create a database 'library', owned by dba, but with cdi
having update privileges (but not 'drop table' etc).
'library' has four tables...
1. users (with user_ids, surname, first_name, dob, address etc...)
2. stock (stock_id, ISBN, title...)
3. loans (loan_id, stock_id [foreign key to stock_id], date_due)...
Is there anything else that such a db would need ?
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erik jones <erik@xxxxxxxxxx>
software development