I have an old server that is still working faithfully. It is running Red Hat 7.2 and Postgersql 7.2. In anticipation of the day it will die, that I am concerned is closer than I want it to be, I have set up a shinny new server running Red Hat Enterprise 4. I am trying to migrate the database from the old server to the new. Until I get things up and running on the new server, I do not want to do anything that I fear may cause damage or stop the server from working. This includes a re-boot. I am interested in the least impacting migration strategy. I tried >pg_dumpall > sync-up.db Connected to template1... Psql: FATAL 1: user "jcarlson" does not exist I then tried >createuser jcarlson Psql: FATAL 1: user "root" does not exist Createuser: create of user "jcarlson" failed I have found that I need to change the pg_hba.conf file to change the authentication mode. In the document it says I need to do a pg_ctl reload. How impacting will this be to the processes currently working? As stated earlier, everything is currently working. Is there a way to pg_dumpall or transfer the database without being a user or having to reload? Any suggestions on how to carefully transition this to the new server? Thanks, Jim Carlson