My operating system is Red Hat Linux AS 4, Kerberos 5, with postgresql-7.4.14 that I compiled. I can authenticate using ssh, su, console login, and also have gotten apache mod_auth_kerb to work with AD - but I am missing something with postgresql. When I try:
[pkoppe01@ipswich ~]$ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql -d test -h ipswich
psql: Kerberos 5 authentication failed
For the configure step, I did (needed the include statement to prevent an error about comm_err.h):
[koppel@ipswich postgresql-7.4.14]$ ./configure --with-java --with-krb5 --with-includes=/usr/include/et
The make proceeded normally.
My pg_hba.conf looks like this (with pkoppe01 defined in Active Directory but not defined in postgres using "createuser")
local all all trust
host test pkoppe01 krb5
Also have "tcpip_socket = true" and the postgres keytab referenced in postgresql.conf and the keytab file itself owned by postgres.
When I try the psql command above (as pkoppe01) I do get the service ticket for postgres:
[pkoppe01@ipswich ~]$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_501_LCzZ1P
Default principal: pkoppe01@xxxxxxxxxxx
Valid starting Expires Service principal
11/13/06 11:17:25 11/13/06 21:17:28 krbtgt/PRIVATE.LAN@xxxxxxxxxxx
renew until 11/14/06 11:17:25
11/13/06 11:19:02 11/13/06 21:17:28 postgres/ipswich.private.lan@xxxxxxxxxxx
renew until 11/14/06 11:17:25
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Please feel free to email me directly as I just joined the list and don't know my way around yet.
Paul Koppel
Systems Manager
Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, MO 63110