X-No-Archive: true
Yep... - - [07/Nov/2006:10:12:57 +0100] "GET /php_experimental/base.php HTTP/1.1" 200 - "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)"
Ben <bench@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
Ben <bench@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
Have you checked your webserver error logs?
On Mon, 6 Nov 2006, Desmond Coughlan wrote:
> X-No-Archive: true
> Hi,
> I'm sure that it's a typo or something, but as I'm getting into PhP and PostgreSQL for the first time, I can't be sure.
> I have a db, called 'cdi' ..
> A 'SELECT * FROM stock;' gets me this in psql ..
> cdi=> SELECT * from stock ;
> -[ RECORD 1 ]-+-------------------------------
> stock_ids | 1
> isbn_no | 10101010
> code_livre | 23455
> titre | toto goes to Hollywood
> editeur | editions toto
> collection | collection toto
> auteur_nom | smith
> auteur_prenom | john
> matiere | ang
> media_type | li
> -[ RECORD 2 ]-+-------------------------------
> stock_ids | 2
> isbn_no | 10536278
> code_livre | 24874
> titre | toto comes back from Hollywood
> editeur | editions baba
> collection | collection toto
> auteur_nom | martin
> auteur_prenom | peter
> matiere | fre
> media_type | dvd
> So the db is populated. I now do this in a file called base.php ..
> > pg_connect ("dbname=cdi user=cdi password=toto") or die
> ("Couldn't Connect: ".pg_last_error());
> $query="SELECT * FROM stock";
> $query=pg_query($query);
> // start the output
> while($row=pg_fetch_array($query,NULL,PGSQL_ASSOC)) {
> echo "Title: ".$row['isbn_no']."
> echo "blah ".$row['code_livre']."
> }
> ?>
> I copy that file to my apache server, in php_experimental/base.php and access it via a browser.
> I don't get an error message. I instead get a blank page.
> Your advice would be welcome.
> D.
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Des Coughlan
Des Coughlan
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