On Nov 4, 2006, at 11:34 , Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:
On Sat, Nov 04, 2006 at 04:23:02PM +0100, Alain Roger wrote:
however, when i do this, my encoding is in UTF-8 via phpAdmin.
UTF8 is a part of UNICODE, but as i'm not sure on how many bits is
how can i setup my local DB to UNICODE value as my provider has ?
As far a postgres is concerned, UTF8 is UNICODE. IIRC some versions
said one name, some the other, but they mean the same thing.
So maybe you have a different version than your provider?
Somewhere around release 8, the encoding "UTF8" was made to mean what
"UNICODE" meant before. "Unicode" is not an encoding so "UTF-8" is
the proper terminology.