> novnov wrote:
Thanks to both of you for responding. I should have included the code for my own attempt, at #1 which is just as you suggest: update item set itemname = 'fox'; I've tried single, and double quoting the table and field names; call caps to the UPDATE etc, exactly matching the capitalization of the table and field names (really Item and ItemName). I wonder if "Item" is a reserved word in pgsql?
I think you haven't quoted the field names correctly. dun=# CREATE TABLE "Item" (id int4, "ItemName" text); CREATE TABLE dun=# INSERT INTO "Item" VALUES(1,'aaa'); INSERT 0 1 dun=# UPDATE "Item" SET "ItemName" = 'fox'; UPDATE 1 dun=# SELECT * FROM "Item"; id | ItemName ----+---------- 1 | fox (1 row) If you want to have case-sensitive names, you have to have double quotes. MP