It would be easier if we could see the context in which you are doing the select into. However I think this may help. Try putting the select into in a loop: declare _result record; _rows integer; begin _rows := 0; for _result in select statement here loop in here put logic to raise your exception if you get more than one result _rows := _rows + 1; if _rows > 1 then raise exception 'Hey too many rows'; return next _result; end loop; end; On Oct 31, 4:15 am, "SunWuKung" <Balazs.Kl...@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > I have a SELECT INTO varname columname FROM ... statement and I would > like to raise an exception when that returns more than one record. > GET DIAGNOSTICS rowcount = ROW_COUNT seems to return always one for > this. Currently I find no other way to do that than to run this > statement twice - first to see how many records it returns, which seems > very inefficient. > > I can see that this will be handled for 8.2, but for 8.1 what is the > best practice to do this? > > Thanks. > SWK