Hi, I'm trying to create a dumpfile for a client. The data is
gathered from about 7 tables, and I need to output all the columns as
the client wishes.
I figure the best way to this is to collect data from multiple tables
and putting them into a view, and using the client's desired names to
be the column headings of this view. Then, I'd dump the data from a
view, and it'll all be ready for delivery.
The problem I run into is that when I dump from a view, I just get
the query that defined it in the first place.
pg_dump --table=demtest dbname
-- PostgreSQL database dump
SET client_encoding = 'SQL_ASCII';
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET client_min_messages = warning;
SET search_path = amt, pg_catalog;
-- Name: demtest; Type: VIEW; Schema: amt; Owner: postgres
SELECT foo.serial_no, foo.course_id, foo.writer_id,
foo.assignment_type, bar.critique_serial_no, ...;
ALTER TABLE amt.demtest OWNER TO postgres;
-- PostgreSQL database dump complete
Would anyone know how to dump the data from the view? I tried the
following, but it doesn't work: