Taras Kopets wrote:
I think you should try to use triggers with
dbi-link<http://pgfoundry.org/projects/dbi-link/>to achieve this.
AFAIK there is no such replication with other RDBMS as you need.
Taras Kopets
Seems like I introduced a small misunderstanding here. The data doesn't
necessarilly go to a database; at least, none that we know about. The
goal here is to export (semi-)real time changes from our database to a
small number of interested parties[1]. It'll probably have to be in some
kind of XML format.
So far we've received some interesting suggestions. I particularly like
the idea of extending Slony-I with a "custom" frontend - though that'll
probably involve more work than a custom solution, it seems much more
Thanks for the suggestions so far, everyone.
[1] Those parties probably store our data in a database (they'd be nuts
if they didn't), but that's something beyond our control.
Alban Hertroys
magproductions b.v.
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