On 10/26/06, Robert Treat <xzilla@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
the wordpress guys have basically said they do not want to support postgres, which is mainly why we swapped to s9y on planetpg. you can read some more info here: http://people.planetpostgresql.org/xzilla/index.php?/archives/13-One-Good-Port.html
Suppose one would like to create a WordPress workalike, i.e. a blogging engine sharing look&feel of WordPress but written from scratch. What language/framework do you think would be the best? I mean -- one could code that in PHP and simply use PostgreSQL, but PHP is probably the most popular language, but I don't think it's the best. Ruby on Rails perhaps? I have not written a single line in Ruby, but I've read on the list here that it has very good PostgreSQL interface... Python? Perl? Something different? The reason I'm asking this question is that I would like to hear personal experiences with alternative to PHP environments, how do they "feel", how do they scale, in order to boost my knowledge a bit. Regards, Dawid