Now I changed postgresql database administrator login password and then modified pg_hba.conf file with authentication mathod to md5 for all (roles + database).
Now can use the folowing syntax from any login.
psql -Uusername -h192.168.2.2 -dusername(database name).
Hence I solved my problem.
Thanks for u all and your replies.
Purusothaman A
On 10/27/06,
Purusothaman A <purusothaman.a@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thanks for all of your valuable replies.
Please tell me, what should i do to login with syntax
psql -Uusername -h192.168.2.2 -dusername(database name).
Because I should be able to login from any login and also from any system.
Purusothaman AOn 10/27/06, Martijn van Oosterhout < kleptog@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:On Fri, Oct 27, 2006 at 11:43:26AM +0200, A. Kretschmer wrote:-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
> am Fri, dem 27.10.2006, um 15:01:09 +0530 mailte Purusothaman A folgendes:
> > Thanks for your immediate reply.
> >
> > I created new role "db1" and database "db1".
> >
> > but I cannot login using
> > psql -Udb1 -ddb1 -hlocalhost
> > results
> > Fatal Error : Ident authentication failed for user "db1".
> You arn't the user called 'db1'?
> Either 'su - db1' and then psql, or change the settings in your
> pg_hba.conf for this database and localhost to 'trust'.
Right. As pointed out, the default authentication method "ident" means
that the database user and the system user are linked, so system user
"db1" can login as database user "db1" without a password.
"trust" means anyone can login an anyone, which may or may not be what
you want.
You can define ident maps, where you state that system user "x" can
login without password as database user "y". Check the documentation.
Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout < kleptog@xxxxxxxxx>
> From each according to his ability. To each according to his ability to litigate.
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