I am trying to preform a complete dump of my database. However, I am getting an error when pg_dumpall reachs one particular database. I reformated the text so that it wouldn't get chopped to pieces after it is sent. Here is the output from pg_dumpall: postgres@db_server01~ $ pg_dumpall > test.dump pg_dump: SQL command failed pg_dump: Error message from server: server closed the connection unexpectedly This probably means the server terminated abnormally before or while processing the request. pg_dump: The command was: SELECT t.tableoid, t.oid, t.relname as indexname, pg_catalog.pg_get_indexdef(i.indexrelid) as indexdef, t.relnatts as indnkeys, i.indkey, i.indisclustered, c.contype, c.conname, c.tableoid as contableoid, c.oid as conoid, (SELECT spcname FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace s WHERE s.oid = t.reltablespace) as tablespace FROM pg_catalog.pg_index i JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class t ON (t.oid = i.indexrelid) LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_depend d ON (d.classid = t.tableoid AND d.objid = t.oid AND d.deptype = 'i') LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint c ON (d.refclassid = c.tableoid AND d.refobjid = c.oid) WHERE i.indrelid = '16737'::pg_catalog.oid ORDER BY indexname pg_dumpall: pg_dump failed on database "mydb", exiting Here is the output from the logs when this errors occurs: