Hi there, I'm having trouble creating a function using plpgsql. I cannot pass the array 'productids' to the ANY construct of the IN EXECUTE SELECT statement. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong would be most appreciated. Here's the function: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search_products(metalparam int4, stoneparam int4, jewelleryparam text) RETURNS SETOF search_result AS $BODY$DECLARE row RECORD; search_result search_result%ROWTYPE; productids integer[]; filter_jewellery text := ''; BEGIN IF metalparam > 0 AND stoneparam > 0 THEN productids := ARRAY(SELECT product_id FROM product_options WHERE option_id = metalparam INTERSECT SELECT product_id FROM product_options WHERE option_id = stoneparam); ELSIF metalparam > 0 THEN productids := ARRAY(SELECT product_id FROM product_options WHERE option_id = metalparam); ELSIF stoneparam > 0 THEN productids := ARRAY(SELECT product_id FROM product_options WHERE option_id = stoneparam); END IF; IF jewelleryparam != '' THEN filter_jewellery := ' AND j.name LIKE ''%'; filter_jewellery := filter_jewellery || jewelleryparam; filter_jewellery := filter_jewellery || '%'''; END IF; FOR row IN EXECUTE 'SELECT p.id, sku, description, base_price, j.name AS jname, r.name AS rname FROM products2 p INNER JOIN jewellery_types j ON j.id = p.jewellery_type INNER JOIN ranges r ON r.id = p.range_id WHERE p.id = ANY(productids)' || filter_jewellery LOOP search_result.id := row.id; search_result.sku := row.sku; search_result.description := row.description; search_result.price := row.base_price; search_result.jname := row.jname; search_result.rname := row.rname; RETURN NEXT search_result; END LOOP; RETURN; END;$BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE; ALTER FUNCTION search_products(metalparam int4, stoneparam int4, jewelleryparam text) OWNER TO shops;