Sir: I use ODBC driver 8.02 in my Delphi 7 application, and the ConnectionString="DRIVER={PostgreSQL Unicode};DATABASE=mydb;SERVER=x.x.x.x;PORT=5432;UID=postgres;PWD=password;Protocol=6.4", When I send a query-- "SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE grade=4" to a database which stores 90000 records, it takes about 30 minutes. The performance is too bad. On the other side, I use ZeosLib's VCL components, It only takes 30 seconds. Is there a way to improve ODBC's performance like tunning the ConnectionString? I'm sorry for my poor English, below is written in Traditional Chinese(BIG5) if somebody can read it. :-P Thank you sincerely ------------------------------------------------------------ 我的 Delphi 7 程式嘗試使用 ODBC 8.02 開發, 在 ADOConnection 的 ConnectionString 如上文, 然後送出查詢至一個存有約 90000 萬筆記錄的資料庫, 查詢命令為-- "SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE grade=4" 但效率太差了, 約需 30 分鐘. 而我若以 ZeosLib 的 VCL 元件查詢只需 30 秒, 請問為什麼效率會 相差這麼大, ODBC 的部份可以藉由調整設定來提高效率嗎? 例如改 變 ConnectionString 的寫法. 謝謝