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Interval referential integrity

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  Hello all,


  I’m developing a specialist application that needs a different kind of referential integrity! I need interval referential integrity where the bounds of the referenced interval must overlaps (or be equal) the bounds of the referencing interval!

  For example,



  -- I did the functions IN and OUT to get this working

  Create type t_interval (

    Lower int,

    Upper int




    tableA_id integer,

    name varchar(30),

    boundA t_interval,


    constraint pk_tableA primary key (tableA, boundA)




    tableB_id integer,

    boundB t_interval,


    constraint fk_B_A foreign key (tableB_id, boundB) references tableA





  So, tableA.boundA OVERLAPS tableB.boundB!




  Insert into tableA values (1, ‘test 1’, ‘(1, 5)’);


  Insert into tableB values (1, ‘(2, 4)’);      à POSSIBLE

  Insert into tableB values (1, ‘(1, 3)’);      à POSSIBLE

  Insert into tableB values (1, ‘(3, 7)’);      à NOT POSSIBLE



  I know that I need to change some (may be a lot of) things in the source code. Specifically in the RI_TRIGGER.C (isn´t???). But I need some help to do this!


  Anyone have an idea?



  Thanks in advance!


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