Is your server capable? Does it have enough resources to handle many
many = ??? 100, 200, 1,000,000,000???? are they concurrent users?
'good for large applications' = ??? I'd say, how large your
application is doesn't matter, right... cause that's the front end. How
well is it coded and does it make efficient logical SQL calls to a well
structured database... that's another question.
I've got a question, "who wants to play, ask 20 questions?"
Sorry for the sarcasm... but this is now 2:00 a.m. EST, and questions
have to be specific to warrant an answer.
If I were to say:
many = YES
good for large applications = YES
Wouldn't you come back then with, "How many?" and "How large of
Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju wrote:
Hi All
Is Postgres good for large Applications ??
I mean where we have to make many simulataneous connections...
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
Email: louis.gonzales@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"Open the pod bay doors HAL!" -2001: A Space Odyssey
"Good morning starshine, the Earth says hello." -Willy Wonka