You could create a sequence, then make the "seq" attribute to your table
have a default value of:
seq integer default nextval('your_sequence')
Then every time an insert is done into your table, the "seq" will
increment. You alternatively could make your "insert" statement have
for that position, the nextval('your_sequence')
Does that help?
Rhys Stewart wrote:
Hi all, looking for a method to number a table sequentially, but the
sequence only increments if the value in a certain column is
different. as in
seq | parish
1 | Kingston
1 | Kingston
1 | Kingston
1 | Kingston
2 | Lucea
3 | Morant Bay
3 | Morant Bay
3 | Morant Bay
4 | Port Antonio
5 | Savannah-La-Mar
5 | Savannah-La-Mar
5 | Savannah-La-Mar
so i guess i would order by a certain column and then the 'magic
sequence' would be a column that only increments when the column
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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"Open the pod bay doors HAL!" -2001: A Space Odyssey
"Good morning starshine, the Earth says hello." -Willy Wonka