> it would be cool if you could at least: > > - bundle your updates into transactions of, say, 1000 updates at a time > i.e. wrap a BEGIN; END; around a 1000 of them > - run postgresql with fsync off, since you're using MyISAM > - run PostgreSQL at least 8, since you're running MySQL 5 > > I'd bet MySQL would still be faster on such an artificial, single user > test, but not *that much* faster. I'm quite sure the results will be very close to what I get before even if I do all of the above. My post was not about MySQL vs PostgreSQL. It was about very fast performance degradation of PostgreSQL in case of large number of updates provided vacuum is not used. > If you don't want to install 8.0, could you maybe at least do the first > two items (shouldn't be a lot of work)...? > > Which client are you using? Just mysql/psql or some API? C API Alexei