after an attempt at stress-testing my app i started seeing some corrupted-looking entries in the postgresql query log. for example: ... 2006-10-10 21:33:24 PDT [31175]: [509-1] LOG: statem2006-10-10 21:33:24 PDT [31166]: [4206-1] LOG: duration: 0.197 ms ent: EXECUTE <unnamed> [PREPARE: SELECT P.IS_DISPLAY, P.IS_ACTIVE, P.CITY_POSTAL_CODE_ID,P.property_name,P.address_1,P.address_2, ... 2006-10-10 21:35:11 PDT [31163]: [20258-1] LOG: statement2006-10-10 21:35:11 PDT [31179]: [218-1] LOG: duration: 57.264 ms 2006-10-10 21:35:11 PDT [31182]: [1446-1] LOG: statement: <BIND> ... this wories me in general, but in particular messes up pgfouine attempts at log analysis. any thoughts on where this might be coming from, how to deal with it, etc.? the relevant config settings are (show all | grep ' log_' output): log_connections | on log_destination | stderr log_directory | pg_log log_disconnections | on log_duration | on log_error_verbosity | default log_executor_stats | off log_filename | postgresql-%a-%H.log log_hostname | off log_line_prefix | %t [%p]: [%l-1] log_min_duration_statement | -1 log_min_error_statement | panic log_min_messages | notice log_parser_stats | off log_planner_stats | off log_rotation_age | 60 log_rotation_size | 0 log_statement | all log_statement_stats | off log_truncate_on_rotation | on