What do you all use for query log analysis for Postgres. I feel/hope like there must be something that I am missing. I have tried PQA (http://pqa.projects.postgresql.org/) and it is very problematic, at least with the kind of application we have. Some of the problems: * not aware of prepared statements (http://pgfoundry.org/forum/forum.php?thread_id=948&forum_id=24); * giving faulty stats in several situations (possibly related to prepared statements, but maybe some others); * very slow on anything but "play" logs; * seems to not be maintained lately (since 8.0?). Pglog-analyze (http://opensource.pearshealthcyber.cz/) is an admirable attempt, but it is very problematic too: * incredibly memory-intensive -- I can at best process a few hours of my production logs even though I have jacked up my PHP memory limit to 2.5GB * gives out stats that seem way off on several accounts (subsecond queries sometimes show as taking over a minute); * seems to have similar to PQA's (if not worse) issues with prepared statements. Is there any other option? When you enable query logging in your PGSQL logs what do you do with the output? Thanks! George