am Fri, dem 06.10.2006, um 9:10:33 -0500 mailte Brandon Metcalf folgendes: > >From what I can tell, PostgreSQL 8.0.3 should support Europe/Moscow as > a timezone input string. However, this doesn't seem to work: > > db=> INSERT INTO synctimes (time, sreplica, shost, dreplica, dhost, seconds, pseconds) VALUES ('10-05-2006 18:26:13 Europe/Moscow', 9407, 27362, 18516, 35361, 1606, 47); > ERROR: invalid input syntax for type timestamp with time zone: "10-05-2006 18:26:13 Europe/Moscow" > > Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong here? Perhaps an error in this version, i have 8.1, or wrong syntax. test=# select TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE '10-05-2006 18:26:13 ' AT TIME ZONE 'Europe/Moscow'; timezone --------------------- 2006-10-05 20:26:13 (1 row) Try this: test=# insert into xy values (TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE '10-05-2006 18:26:13' AT TIME ZONE 'Europe/Moscow'); INSERT 0 1 Andreas -- Andreas Kretschmer Kontakt: Heynitz: 035242/47215, D1: 0160/7141639 (mehr: -> Header) GnuPG-ID: 0x3FFF606C, privat 0x7F4584DA