am Thu, dem 05.10.2006, um 13:17:41 -0400 mailte brian folgendes: > Can anybody spot the problem with this function? Or, how i'm calling it? > (it's not clear to me which it is) > > CREATE TABLE member ( > ... > first_name character varying(64), > last_name character varying(64), > organisation character varying(128), > email character varying(128), > ... > ); > > first error: > CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fetcOnlineContacts() RETURNS SETOF record ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > > test=# SELECT * FROM fetchOnlineContacts() AS (name text, organisation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ fetcOnlineContacts != fetchOnlineContacts But, this isn't the problem, i get the same error. And, i have a solution for you: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fetcOnlineContacts(OUT name text, out organisation text, out email text) RETURNS SETOF record AS $$ DECLARE member_contact record; BEGIN FOR member_contact IN EXECUTE 'SELECT DISTINCT ON ( m.first_name || '' '' || m.last_name AS name, m.organisation, AS address FROM member AS m WHERE IS NOT NULL ORDER BY, m.last_name, m.organisation ASC' LOOP name :=; organisation := member_contact.organisation; email := member_contact.address; RETURN NEXT; END LOOP; RETURN; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE; I hope, you have PG 8.1, this (with the OUT-parameter), is a feature since 8.1. Perhaps, there are other solutions... Andreas -- Andreas Kretschmer Kontakt: Heynitz: 035242/47215, D1: 0160/7141639 (mehr: -> Header) GnuPG-ID: 0x3FFF606C, privat 0x7F4584DA