Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:
On Tue, Sep 26, 2006 at 03:59:48PM +0200, Kai Hessing wrote:
No one any idea? *sigh*
It probably has something to with the fact that you didn't explain what
you meant by "deadlock". Also, you refer to a temp table, yet don't
indicate which table it is.
You'll need to be a lot more specific about your problem before we can
help. For example, a script to reproduce the problem, or a copy of psql
output demonstrating it.
Also EXPLAIN output, and information regarding the number of rows in
each table, and the number of rows matching veraid = 2 and veraid = 34
might help.
While the query is running, how much CPU is the process consuming, and
what does vmstat show for disk and swap I/O?