Brian Maguire schreef:
To all involved in this project,
I justed wanted to let you know how impressed and pleased I have been with postgres over the past 5 years . The timeliness and quality of the releases are always robust and stable. Every release has a very nice mix of admin, performance, platform, and feature adds. The support of the listserves is bar none to any commercial support I have ever purchased. I can't remember a time I did not get 3-5 answers to any question I have ever had. I must also note that the new website design and organization have added very nice polish to the project.
Cheers and thank you all,
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Since it's now said, I can only agree ;)
Some thanks and congratualtions from time to time are indeed justified.
The PostgreSQL project is one of the best OpenSource projects that I
know of, with a very good community behind it.
Keep up the good work. I'm a happy postgreSQL (and pgAdmin and pgODBC)
user ;)