Hi, looking for a little advice... Nightly, I run a script that does the following (in a nutshell): drop most of the indexes in a particular schema; load a large amount of data into this schema; finally recreate the indexes. The create index process seems to be CPU-bound. The server has four CPUs but postmaster is only using one. Is there a way to tell Postgres to build in parallel? For instance in Oracle one can run the following to have four processes build an index in parallel: CREATE INDEX emp_ix ON emp (emp_id) PARALLEL (DEGREE 4); I could always create each index from a separate script in parallel, but that would be less flexible (can't easily modify degree for instance) and take some serious redesign... No luck searching the docs, but I'd just like to be sure that there isn't such a feature... Or if there's a better way to tackle this problem I'd love to hear it. So, any input would be appreciated. Thanks, Mark