Thanks for all of your help. I backed up the table and used the PgAdmin tool to create Insert statements. It did it in two sets. I reran the first set and it solved the problem. Seede "Andrews, Chris" wrote: > Dunno about quickly, but I usually do something like this (before slapping myself in the face for getting into that state): > > CREATE TABLE tn_backup AS SELECT DISTINCT * FROM tn; > TRUNCATE TABLE tn; > INSERT INTO tn VALUES SELECT * from tn_backup; > > (Where "tn" is the table name) > > May not be the best way, but keeps indexes and stuff on the original table if you don't want to set them all up again. Me lazy? > > That said, if you've got foriegn keys pointing at it, the truncate ain't going to work. > > Or if you have your data exported as a tab or csv, the use sort | uniq on it and > shove it back in... > > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Junkone [mailto:junkone1@xxxxxxxxx] > Sent: 13 September 2006 23:47 > To: pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx > Subject: [GENERAL] remote duplicate rows > > > hI > i have a bad situation that i did not have primary key. so i have a > table like this > colname1 colname2 > 1 apple > 1 apple > 2 orange > 2 orange > > It is a very large table. how do i remove the duplctes quickly annd > without much change. > > Regards > > Seede > > > ----------------------------------------- > The information contained in this email is confidential and is > intended for the recipient only. If you have received it in error, > please notify us immediately by reply email and then delete it from > your system. Please do not copy it or use it for any purposes, or > disclose its contents to any other person or store or copy this > information in any medium. The views contained in this email are > those of the author and not necessarily those of Lorien plc. > > > > > Thank you for your co-operation. > > > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- > TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate > subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx so that your > message can get through to the mailing list cleanly