Tom Lane wrote: > Jeff Davis <pgsql@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes: >> From what you described, I would not expect many locking problems. Are >> there any other types of queries you run that may cause a lock? > > Row locks (SELECT FOR UPDATE/SHARE) are a possible problem, particularly > if this is a pre-8.1 Postgres where exclusive row locks were used for > foreign key constraints. > > regards, tom lane Tom, I'm still having issues with this so lemme provide more information.... perhaps there is something obvious.... Here is the proc that has very inconsistent (anywhere from 25ms to 8000ms) performance: CREATE FUNCTION acctmessage(_accttype character varying, _username character varying, _ipaddress character varying, _nastimestamp timestamp with time zone, _sessionid character varying, _nassessionid character varying, _nasipaddress character varying, _input octets bigint, _outputoctets bigint, _inputgigawords integer, _outputgigawords integer, _sessionlength bigint, _termcause charact er varying, _nasidentifier character varying, _clientipaddress character varying, _nasport character varying, _framedprotocol cha racter varying, _servicetype character varying, _connectinfo character varying) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE session_rec RECORD; BEGIN IF _clientipaddress <> '' THEN INSERT into accounting_tab ( acctType, userName, ipAddress, nasTimestamp, sessionId, nasSessionId, nasIpAddress, inputOctets, outputOctets, inputGigaWords, outputGigaWords, sessionLength, termCause, nasIdentifier, clientIpAddress, nasPort, framedProtocol, serviceType, connectInfo ) values ( _acctType, _userName, _ipAddress, _nasTimestamp, _sessionId, _nasSessionId, _nasIpAddress, _inputOctets, _outputOctets, _inputGigaWords, _outputGigaWords, _sessionLength, _termCause, _nasIdentifier, _clientIpAddress, _nasPort, _framedProtocol, _serviceType, _connectInfo ); END IF; SELECT INTO session_rec sessionId FROM radutmp_tab WHERE sessionId = _sessionId; IF session_rec.sessionId IS NULL AND _acctType = 'start' THEN INSERT into radutmp_tab ( lastAcctType, userName, ipAddress, nasStartTimestamp, sessionId, nasSessionId, nasIpAddress, inputOctets, outputOctets, inputGigaWords, outputGigaWords, sessionLength, termCause, nasIdentifier, clientIpAddress, nasPort, framedProtocol, serviceType ) values ( _acctType, _userName, _ipAddress, _nasTimestamp, _sessionId, _nasSessionId, _nasIpAddress, _inputOctets, _outputOctets, _inputGigaWords, _outputGigaWords, _sessionLength, _termCause, _nasIdentifier, _clientIpAddress, _nasPort, _framedProtocol, _serviceType ) ; ELSIF session_rec.sessionId IS NOT NULL AND _acctType = 'stop' THEN UPDATE radutmp_tab SET lastAcctType = _acctType, nasStopTimestamp = _nasTimestamp, ipAddress = _ipAddress, sessionlength = _sessionlength, inputOctets = _inputOctets, outputOctets = _outputOctets, inputgigawords = _inputgigawords, outputgigawords = _outputgigawords, nasSessionId = _nasSessionId, nasIPAddress = _nasIPAddress, clientIPAddress = _clientIPAddress, nasPort = _nasPort, framedProtocol = _framedProtocol, termCause = _termCause WHERE sessionId = _sessionId AND userName = _userName AND serviceType = _serviceType; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; It looks long, but it's really pretty simple, it inserts data into the accounting_tab and then updates or inserts into the radutmp_tab table based on whether the session ID is known or not. Here are the tables: Table "public.accounting_tab" Column | Type | Modifiers -----------------+--------------------------+--------------- sessionid | character varying(32) | not null nassessionid | character varying(32) | not null accttype | character varying(6) | not null username | character varying(20) | not null nastimestamp | timestamp with time zone | nasipaddress | character varying(15) | not null nasidentifier | character varying(15) | clientipaddress | character varying(15) | not null servicetype | character varying(6) | not null sessionlength | bigint | default 0 inputoctets | bigint | default 0 outputoctets | bigint | default 0 inputgigawords | integer | default 0 outputgigawords | integer | default 0 nasport | character varying(32) | ipaddress | character varying(32) | framedprotocol | character varying(32) | termcause | character varying(32) | timestamp | timestamp with time zone | default now() connectinfo | character varying(100) | Indexes: "accounting_nasidentifier_idx" btree (nasidentifier) "accounting_nastimestamp_idx" btree (nastimestamp) "accounting_sessionid_idx" btree (sessionid) "accounting_timestamp_idx" btree ("timestamp") "accounting_username_idx" btree (username) Table "public.radutmp_tab" Column | Type | Modifiers -------------------+--------------------------+--------------- sessionid | character varying(32) | not null nassessionid | character varying(32) | not null lastaccttype | character varying(6) | not null username | character varying(20) | not null nasstarttimestamp | timestamp with time zone | nasstoptimestamp | timestamp with time zone | nasipaddress | character varying(15) | not null nasidentifier | character varying(15) | clientipaddress | character varying(15) | not null servicetype | character varying(6) | not null sessionlength | bigint | default 0 inputoctets | bigint | default 0 outputoctets | bigint | default 0 inputgigawords | integer | default 0 outputgigawords | integer | default 0 nasport | character varying(32) | ipaddress | character varying(32) | framedprotocol | character varying(32) | termcause | character varying(32) | timestamp | timestamp with time zone | default now() Indexes: "radutmp_tab_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (sessionid) "radutmp_nasstoptimestamp_idx" btree (nasstoptimestamp) "radutmp_servicetype_idx" btree (servicetype) "radutmp_username_idx" btree (username) As you can see the tables are pretty simple and don't have any foreign keys, but they are large. accounting_tab is 1.8mill rows and radutmp_tab is 200k rows. I should note that This query gets run quite a bit as well: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM radutmp_tab WHERE UserName='username' AND nasStopTimestamp IS NULL and serviceType = 'servicetype' It tells me if there is an active session or not. This setup, with concurrency, is returning very inconsistent query performance. Sometimes its very fast, other times it's slow and waits. This makes me think I have a table locking issue, but I'm not sure since pg_locks rarely reports more than this: locktype | database | relation | page | tuple | transactionid | classid | objid | objsubid | transaction | pid | mode | granted ---------------+----------+----------+------+-------+---------------+---------+-------+----------+-------------+------+-----------------+--------- relation | 16395 | 10342 | | | | | | | 30641038 | 8720 | AccessShareLock | t transactionid | | | | | 30641038 | | | | 30641038 | 8720 | ExclusiveLock | t Do you see anything wrong with how I'm doing this? Perhaps it's time to get faster hardware, but it doesn't seem like the box is that loaded. Thanks, schu