Hello, I have a question regarding user rights. I have one user in postgres8.01. which connects from a webserver and inserts some data into a table. It only has INSERT access on that table. ON the other hand, on the same table a have an after-insert trigger which executes a function owned by a more powerful user. My problem is that when I try to insert some data with the webserver user, PostgreSQL wants that user to have access to all the relations used in the trigger function. Is there any way to avoid granting the light user with all those rigths? Thank you very much! -- Cu respect, Valentin Militaru Telcor Communications Tel: 0316.900.015 Tel.Mobil:0741.168.267 Fax: 0316.900.001 Prezentul mesaj si orice fisier atasat constituie informatie confidentiala si este proprietatea exclusiva a Telcor Communications SRL. Mesajul se adreseaza numai persoanei fizice sau juridice mentionata ca destinatara, precum si persoanelor autorizate sa-l primeasca. In cazul in care nu sunteti destinatarul vizat sau persoana autorizata sa primiti acest mesaj, va aducem la cunostinta ca dezvaluirea, copierea, distribuirea sau initierea unor actiuni pe baza prezentei informatii sunt strict interzise si atrag raspunderea dvs. civila si penala. Daca ati primit acest mesaj dintr-o eroare, va rugam sa ne anuntati imediat si sa-l stergeti apoi din sistemul dvs. Nu putem garanta ca transmisia acestui mesaj este securizata sau fara erori.