Lately my database crashed and I’ve
had some strangeness following. I found that some tables would have two
distinct rows with identical primary key. Now, VACUUM complains thusly WARNING: index
"pg_statistic_relid_att_index" contains 2984 row versions, but table
contains 2983 row versions HINT: Rebuild the index with REINDEX. After trying to reindex, I get ERROR: could not create unique index DETAIL: Table contains duplicated
values. I think I’m seeing the same issue –
a duplicated row. I know this should not happen – but does
it in fact come to happen sometimes? Is there a smarter way of dealing with it
than deleting the duplicate? How can these duplicates get produced? And, for pg_statistic in particular, is it
safe to muck with it? What should I do? Thanks Jaime |
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