> Is this xmin quite a bit older than what you get for a freshly-created > temp table? I would say yes, this is a test system which is highly stressed from time to time, but does not get continuous load. test03=> select oid, xmin from pg_type where typname = 'temp_report'; oid | xmin ----------+----------- 58293995 | 220215039 (1 row) test03=> create temp table test_new_temp_table (a text); CREATE TABLE test03=> select xmin from pg_type where typname = 'test_new_temp_table'; xmin ----------- 236080536 (1 row) > Can you find any entries in pg_depend that show the above > OID as either objid or refobjid? No: test03=> select * from pg_depend where objid = 58293995 or refobjid = 58293995; classid | objid | objsubid | refclassid | refobjid | refobjsubid | deptype ---------+-------+----------+------------+----------+-------------+--------- (0 rows) > Also, it's fairly likely (not certain) that the table associated with > this pg_type entry had OID one less, ie 58293994. Can you find any > trace of that OID in pg_depend, No trace. I executed: test03=> select count(*) from pg_depend where classid between 58293995 - 100 and 58293995 + 100; count ------- 0 (1 row) ... and then with each of (objid objsubid refclassid refobjid refobjsubid deptype) instead of classid, with the same result. > ... or in pg_class for that matter? test03=> select count(*) from pg_class where oid between 58293995 - 100 and 58293995 + 100; count ------- 0 (1 row) Any other place to check ? Cheers, Csaba.