> We have a number of large corporate clients here in South Africa, > including some of the biggest banks, of which a few are asking for > training at the moment. It would be really nice to have some form > of > certification available that we could present that had some > international > credentials. > > Anton > Anton, Others are also looking for training so I am starting a thread on it as I feel that the Topic should be part of Advocacy. Opinions will likely vary about certification -- but Training? Yes, definitely needed. Below is a snip from a similar post on the Novice list (about 1 hour ago). *********************************** from Novice**************************** On Thu, 2006-08-31 at 15:42 -0400, Ray Stell wrote: > What is the best value for training bucks for pg admin/internals? > I know the answer, of course, read the source, but I'd like to take a class > if there is a great one to be found. Thanks. Wouldn't this be the perfect opportunity for one of the gurus to announce their killer new online gratis training program? Andy *******************************************************************************