Thanks Tom
But my problem with this solution comes whan I try to qualify with a
'where' clause.
For instance -
create or replace function loop_association() returns trigger as $$
insert into p_id.loops (monitor) values (new.devices_id)
where new.device_number = library.devices.device_number
and library.devices.type_ = 'mon' ;
return null ;
end ;
$$ language plpgsql ;
create trigger loop after insert on p_id.devices
for each row execute procedure loop_association();
Gives me an error.
What am I doing wrong?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Lane" <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Bob Pawley" <rjpawley@xxxxxxx>
Cc: "Michael Fuhr" <mike@xxxxxxxx>; "Postgresql"
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 3:31 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Inserting Data
Bob Pawley <rjpawley@xxxxxxx> writes:
I thought the NEW qualified the select.
Not at all; that would rather cripple the ability to write interesting
triggers. I think what you are really wanting to do here is just
insert into p_id.loops (monitor) values (new.devices_id);
regards, tom lane
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