folks I think my trigger need transaction ,but the pgsql compiler refuse to compile 'begin .. commit ' sequence I use the perform , to do the works i'm wrong? tia. any help be appreciated. MDC code below ( note (*) for perform instruction) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION xxxx_create_cache(text) RETURNS text AS $BODY$ DECLARE tbl_name ALIAS FOR $1; v_record RECORD; v_mergefields TEXT; v_concatenator TEXT; v_cache TEXT; v_order TEXT; v_sql TEXT; v_array TEXT[] = '{}'; v_field TEXT; BEGIN v_concatenator = ''; v_mergefields = ''; FOR v_record IN select a.attname as attname, t.typname = 'date' or t.typname = 'timestamp' as isdate from pg_class as c, pg_attribute as a, pg_type as t where c.oid = a.attrelid and a.atttypid = t.oid and c.relname = tbl_name and a.attstattarget != 0 order by a.attnum LOOP v_field = v_record.attname; IF v_record.isdate = true THEN v_field = 'to_char(' || v_record.attname || ', ''dd/mm/yyyy'')'; END IF; v_mergefields = v_mergefields || v_concatenator || v_field; v_concatenator = ' || chr(1) || '; END LOOP; v_cache = ''; v_concatenator = ''; v_order = ''; SELECT INTO v_order ordenado_por FROM actlocat WHERE d_actlocal = tbl_name; v_sql = 'SELECT ' || v_mergefields || ' as row_cache FROM ' || tbl_name || ' ORDER BY ' || v_order; IF NOT FOUND THEN v_sql = 'SELECT ' || v_mergefields || ' as row_cache FROM ' || tbl_name; END IF; FOR v_record IN EXECUTE v_sql LOOP v_array = array_append(v_array, v_record.row_cache); --v_cache = v_cache || v_concatenator || v_record.row_cache; --v_concatenator = chr(255); END LOOP; v_cache = array_to_string(v_array, chr(255)); (*) PERFORM ' BEGIN ;' ; DELETE FROM table_cache WHERE table_name = tbl_name; INSERT INTO table_cache (table_name, table_cache) VALUES (tbl_name, v_cache); (*) PERFORM ' COMMIT ;' ; RETURN v_cache; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION sume_create_cache(text) TO public; __________________________________________________ Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí. Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas, está en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta). ¡Probalo ya!