Hi group, I'm using Slony-I 1.1.5 with Postgresql 8.1.4 on 3 DB server (OS = debian sarge). I set a replication from a database on server A (master) to 2 servers B and C (slaves). Note that the slaves databases are in production and have a quite big load. I noticed last day that when I stop Slony daemon (for any reason) on a slave server (B or C), a few seconds later, the server doesn't respond anymore. Then I need to reboot the system. I noticed some "fetch 100 from LOG" queries on the master database too... => To prevent the server crashing, It seems that I need to restart postgresql just after restarting Slony (and before it all crashes). Is it always necessary to restart Postgresql after restarting a Slony daemon ? (though, it doesn't seem necessary when the servers have not many connections) Any information will be appreciated. Regards, Nico