I had thought of that, but I wasn't sure if there was/is a way to create
the index's upon table creation, as it appears is possible with MySQL.
As for the replacing of varchar(xx) with a text data type, why do you
recommend this? I want to stay as close as I can to the original
code...but if you think there is a good reason and that it won't
conflict with something else, then I'd like to know. Granted,
varchar(xx) is nothing but a string of characters, potentially xx in
length, and a text datatype is also just a string of characters, I would
wonder if possibly there would be a string comparison that would treat
these different on the single fact of different datatype?
Thanks for your help Harald!
Harald Armin Massa wrote:
indizes are simply created outside the create table
CREATE INDEX someTable_Date_create
ON someTable
USING btree
As you are working on transferring, maybe you like to drop those
varchar(xx) and replace them with text. Saves a lot of hassle lateron.
On 8/16/06, *louis gonzales* <gonzales@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:gonzales@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Hello List,
PostgreSQL 8.0.1 (on Solaris 9)
There is a PERL program that a friend purchased which is used to
tables on a MySQL database, and of course ;) I want to run this on a
PostgreSQL database server instead. The below is the code:
$sth=runSQL("CREATE TABLE someTable (
date_create bigint NOT NULL,
date_end bigint NOT NULL,
username VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
id serial PRIMARY KEY,
status VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
visibility TEXT NOT NULL,
priority TEXT NOT NULL,
template TEXT NOT NULL,
view bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
reply bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
save bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
updated bigint,
INDEX(date_create) );");
What my question is, the "INDEX(...)" function calls, which work this
way on MySQL, don't work in PostgreSQL. Does anybody know what a
synonymous way to modify the above code, for compatibility with
can be replaced by
yourVariable serial
Thanks group!
Email: louis.gonzales@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
WebSite: http://www.linuxlouis.net <http://www.linuxlouis.net>
"Open the pod bay doors HAL!" -2001: A Space Odyssey
"Good morning starshine, the Earth says hello." -Willy Wonka
---------------------------(end of
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
GHUM Harald Massa
persuadere et programmare
Harald Armin Massa
Reinsburgstraße 202b
70197 Stuttgart
Let's set so double the killer delete select all.
Email: louis.gonzales@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
WebSite: http://www.linuxlouis.net
"Open the pod bay doors HAL!" -2001: A Space Odyssey
"Good morning starshine, the Earth says hello." -Willy Wonka