Hi Jas,
What is ECPG?
Which connection string?
From: Jasbinder Bali [mailto:jsbali@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: quinta-feira, 10 de Agosto de 2006 22:28
To: Walid Haider
Cc: pgsql-novice@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxSubject: Re: [NOVICE] Unable to connect to PostgreSQL 8 from PGAdmin III
Are you using ECPG?
What does your connection string look like?
I''m also banging my head on the same problem for the past one day.
On 8/10/06, Walid Haider < whaider@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi All,
I have been trying to connect to PostgreSQL 8 (which is installed on an FC4 server with a public IP address) from PGAdmin III, and I am getting the following error:
Error connecting to the server: could not connect to server: Connection timed out (0x0000274C/10060)
Is the server running on host "XX.XXX.XXX.XXX" and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
From a terminal on the server, on the server I can connect to the 'test' database that I created after installation of PostgreSQL.
I have read on various sites on the internet that this issue could be associated with the "tcpip_socket" flag being set to FALSE, this flag is not available in the postgresql.conf file?
On the postgresql.conf file, I have done the following:
listen_addresses = '*'
port = 5432
On the pg_hba.conf file, I have done the following:
Located the line beginning with "TYPE" and added entries as applicable
host all all XX.XX.XXX.XXX/24 trust # remote access
host all all XX.XX.XX.XX/24 trust # remote access
Any ideas where I am going wrong?
Hi Walid,
Well how are u connecting to the database?
What client interface are u using?
is it libpq?
What code are u using to connect to the database?
ECPG means embedded sql in C. You can write sql in ur C program using ECPG
On 8/11/06, Walid Haider <whaider@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: