> Was the old postgres stopped when you created the copy? > Was the new postgres stopped when you put the copy in? > Did you restore correct permissions when you put the copy in? > Is the new install the same version of postgres as the old one? > What are the error messages? I tried to modify the parameters of the .CONF file when the pgsql-8.1 service was running. The next time I started, it displayed error: "The service did not listen to local host". (something like this). So I copied the old DATA folder and un-installed PostgreSQL. I again re-installed it and replace the new DATA folder with the old one. Both previous and new are same versions and same settings were used during installation. -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Restoring-database-from-old-DATA-folder-tf2070639.html#a5711630 Sent from the PostgreSQL - general forum at Nabble.com.