hello, how are you ? i want to distribute a copy of PostGres to my clients. they really dont know anything about installing programs or configurating remote RDBMS sql-servers, so i dont want to give them the "official-PostGres-installer.exe" but my own installer.exe (win32) that: 1) install the PostGres's required files 2) modify the system as PostGres needs (registry, paths, etc) 3) execute it as a process, not as a service (if it is possible) (it must run also on win98 machines) 4) enable the server in a port readed from an INI file or something like that. 5) delete the default super-user or change its password 6) creates the tables-structure that my client-app needs 7a) insert the data or 7b) copy db-files to hdd, assign them in PostGres and make them available via PostGres. 8) create the dbuser that will be used by clients-apps 9) assign that dbuser to my tables all without any kind of user interaction. - where can i get information about the required information (i mean: basic required files, registry changes, conf files, sql commands to do what i need) ? - if this is not possible, may i call the default PostGre's installer in silent mode ? and if so, what are the command-lines to set the defaults settings ? - can any of you help me in any of those tasks ? thanks in advance, __________________________________________________ Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí. Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas, está en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta). ¡Probalo ya! http://www.yahoo.com.ar/respuestas