On 8/4/06, Q Beukes <pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: [...]
When I dump the database, the tables dumped for "cbt" dont have alter commands to set the default values to "nextval('core.invoicesids_seq')" again. Those columns are simply created as serial fields, and their values set to "1, false". So when I restore the database, it is not what it was, which makes restoring backups quite an effort.
We've (in my company) encountered with this issue several times, this is quite painful. After all, we decided to get rid of SERIAL at all. The thing is that SERIAL is a kind of macros now. When columns has default expression "nextval('some_seq')", pg_dump erroneously thinks that this column has SERIAL type. Another 'way to catch the troubles' is as following: you create serial column, than make "\d your_table", see that there is "INT4 DEFAULT nextval('...')" there and make a conclusion that you may adjust that DEFAULT expr... E.g., "nextval(...) * 7^9 % 9^7" - Knuth shuffle algorithm, useful for hidding real order number of the row. That is bad way to! pg_dump will make SERIAL for you and you will lose your nice expression and some hair :-) You can find many discussions concerning SERIAL gotchas in mail archives. (Including my trials to prove to community that there are real gotchas and difficulties for novices, but... There is no strong opinion on what is SERIAL at all.) My suggestions are: - do not use SERIAL at all. Always create sequence manually and then write DEFAULT expr. - when DEFAULT expr is simple nextval('...') you should make fool from pg_dump - write "DEFAULT nextval('...') + 0" - that dummy "+ 0" will prevent pg_dump from making conclusion that this is SERIAL... -- Best regards, Nikolay