With regards to the previous mail and replaies, I tried with this code. Although it doesn't give any error when i run it as a script, but the
return value is NONE for 'q', which is assigned to return value of
cursor.execute(), and the data are not inserted into the database.
name = 'GLV'
host = 'Parthan'
start = '04-08-2006'
end = '04-08-2006'
days = 1
starttime = '15:00:00'
endtime = '18:00:00'
size = 20
arglist = (name, host, start, end, days, starttime, endtime, size)
connection = connect("dbname=TimeTable user=myname password=mypassword")
cur = connection.cursor()
q = cur.execute("INSERT INTO ConfMain (ConfName, ConfHost, ConfStart,
ConfEnd, ConfDays, ConfStartTime, ConfEndTime, ConfSize) VALUES (%s, %s,
%s, %s, %i, %s, %s, %i);", arglist)
print q
<Result: q=> None
Am not getting any other error, I tried this one by calling the script
in the temrinal. When i ran a similar one with the browser, it says
premature end of script :(
http://pastebin.de/9994 --> this is my apache error log (/var/log/apache2/error.log)
With Regards
Research Assistant
National Resource Center for Free/Open Source Software
Python Developer n00b