Hello List,
I have uploaded charts on a ftp server.
You can access to these 6 graphs by doing
ftp visibull.frec.bull.fr
login : ftp
password : ftp
You are under the "/" directory and with "ls" command you see the
directory "PGS_bgwriter".
In this directory, the 3 charts joined to this e-mail and called
“DiskActivity_defaultBgwriter.png”, “DiskIO_defaultBgwriter.png”,
“DiskWriteThroughput_defaultBgwriter.png” are obtained by setting :
- bgwriter_delay = 200
- bgwriter_lru_percent = 1.0
- bgwriter_lru_maxpages = 5
- bgwriter_all_percent = 0.333
- bgwriter_all_maxpages = 5
and the 3 charts joined to this e-mail and called
“DiskActivity_maxBgwriter.png”, “DiskIO_maxBgwriter.png”,
“DiskWriteThroughput_maxBgwriter.png” are obtained by setting :
- bgwriter_delay = 50
- bgwriter_lru_percent = 100
- bgwriter_lru_maxpages = 1000
- bgwriter_all_percent = 100
- bgwriter_all_maxpages = 1000
I hope someone will give me explanations on the background writer.
Thank you very much for your help.
Alexandra DANTE
Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:
On Mon, Jul 10, 2006 at 02:56:48PM +0200, DANTE Alexandra wrote:
I would like to send charts to show you exactly what happens on the
server but, with the pictures, this e-mail is not posted on the mailing
I can send charts to a personal e-mail adress if needed.
The best idea is to upload them to a website.
By comparing the charts, I can see that the checkpoints are less
expensive in term of Disk activity, IO/s and disk write throughput when
the parameters are set to the maximum values but I don?t not reach to
have constant disk IO/s, disk activity, disk write throughput before and
after a checkpoint. I was expecting to see more activity on the disks
during the bench (and not only a peak during the checkpoint) when the
parameters are set to the maximum values. Is it possible ?
I have very little experience with the bgwriter, but on the whole, I
don't think the bgwriter will change the total number of I/Os. Rather,
it changes the timing to make them more consistant and the load more
However, reading the descriptions, there's always going to be an
unavoidable spike at checkpoint time because the checkpoint actually
needs to sync() the data to disk, whereas the bgwriter merely queues it
to the kernel.
Have you already experimented the Background Writer ? What results could
I obtain by setting properly the parameters ?bgwriter_xxx? ? Could
somenone explain me how I can used it ?
Looking arond I mostly see that people are still testing. I'm not
really in a position to know however...
Have a nice day,