hi all, something is not adding up. the following query is taking a long time to run.(its still running right now) select distinct on (prem) prem, num, addy, mynum,myad,ff.address, matchtype, the_geom from daily.recheck2, _sp_myparcels ff where prem not in ( select distinct on (prem) prem from daily.recheck2 dr, _sp_myparcels ff where ff.address = unabrev ) AND btrim(addy) = btrim(myad) AND num = mynum UNION select distinct on (prem) prem, num, addy, mynum,myad,dr.unabrev, matchtype, ff.the_geom from daily.recheck2 dr, _sp_myparcels ff--, feeder_polygon where ff.address = unabrev the thing is if i run the first query by itself, it takes like about 2 seconds, and if i run the subquery that takes about 2 seconds also, so why (well its now finished, took all of 3.31 minutes) does it take so long?