How do you retrieve a comment on a constraint? For example, consider the following table and comment: create table people ( person_id serial primary key, uid varchar(25) not null, constraint uid_alphanumeric check (uid ~ '^[a-z0-9_]+$') ); comment on constraint uid_alphanumeric on people is 'UID may only contain letters, numerals, and underscores'; That code code creates a constraint within the "people" table named "uid_alphanumeric". Furthermore, it creates a comment on that constraint. Given the name of the table and constraint, how would you retrieve the comment? "Chapter 9. Functions and Operators" says that obj_description(object_oid, catalog_name) returns a comment given the object's OID and class name. How do I get the OID for the constraint? It doesn't seem to be stored in pg_constraint.