Hi List; I've created a plperlu (perl untrusted) function with the ability to use dbi. I can use the code listing below to return data if I specify the query as follows: select * from sybase_get2() as (f1 varchar(100), f2 varchar(100)); However, I have to specify the column names as f1 and f2. I want to turn this into a generic solution where I can eventually pass in the SQL. For now I just want to be able to specify any column names I want in the "as" part of the above query. Any Ideas? Thanks in advance for your help... ########### Code Listing Start ########### CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sybase_get2() RETURNS SETOF record AS $$ use DBI; my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Sybase:server=CXS100", 'pguser1', 'pg70093' ); if (!$dbh) { return; } my $qry = $dbh->prepare("select parent_id, Parent_key from csx1db.dbo.parentkeys"); $qry->execute(); while ( @data = $qry->fetchrow_array() ) { return_next ({f1=>$data[0], f2=>$data[1]}); } return ; $$ LANGUAGE plperlu ########### Code Listing End ###########