Greetings folks, I'm trying to write a stored procedure that strips accents from UTF-8 encoded text. I saw a thread on this list discussing something very similar to this on April 8th, and used it to start. However, I'm getting odd behaviour. My stored procedure: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION strip_accents(text) RETURNS text AS ' use Unicode::Normalize; use Encode; my $string = NFD( decode( utf8 => $_[0] ) ); $string =~ s/\p{Mn}+//ogsm; return NFC($string); ' LANGUAGE plperlu; I'm trying this on two different postgres dbs. One is pg 7.4.6, the other is 8.1.4 and they both break in different ways. On the 8.1.4: test=# select strip_accents('This is Québec, français, noël, à la mode'); -[ RECORD 1 ]-+------------------------------------------ strip_accents | This is Qu�bec, fran�ais, no�l, � la mod (not sure how this will arrive to the list, but basically all accented characters are repliaced with a cedile) and if I try a 'select strip_accents(column) from table;' in a UTF8 encoded database I get: ERROR: error from Perl function: Cannot decode string with wide characters at /usr/lib64/perl5/5.8.8/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/ line 166. On the 7.4.6, I simply get the input without any changes for both the direct input and for a column. test=# select strip_accents('This is Québec, français, noël, à la mode'); -[ RECORD 1 ]-+------------------------------------------ strip_accents | This is Québec, français, noël, à la mod Now, on both of these machines, I have the following simple perl script: [chris@mafalda ~]$ cat #!/usr/bin/perl use Unicode::Normalize; use Encode; my $string = NFD( decode( utf8 => $ARGV[0] ) ); $string =~ s/\p{Mn}+//ogsm; print NFC($string)."\n"; When executed, it behaves as expected: [chris@mafalda ~]$ ./ 'This is Québec, français, noël, à la mode' This is Quebec, francais, noel, a la mode So, I'm obviously doing something dumb/wrong with encodings, but I can't for the life of me figure it out. I've tried setting client encodings, verifying database encodings, etc.. all to no avail. Is there something obvious that I'm missing? Is there a better way to achieve what I'm trying to do? Thanks in advance for any insight. Cheers, Chris