thanks Susan for your idea. I thought that was it for a moment, then I saw a problem (I think) - it works, but gets quite inefficient. when you have 2 phrases which are a translation, that is just one entry when you have 3, that is 3 4 => 6 and so on. In practice we might have 15, 20 languages in a translation. It is unlimited many-to-many. So the problem is a bit to do this while keeping the solution efficient. I am almost sold on just using create table translaton ( id serial, phrases integer[] ); but afaik there is no way to tell pg that the array contains refs to another table. I could still live with this though, if noone has a better way. regards Daniel -- Daniel McBrearty email : danielmcbrearty at : the multi - language vocab trainer BTW : 0873928131